Butterfly larva having a long body and 10 feet; the intermediary stage between the egg and the chrysalis.
anal clasper 
Last of five pairs of prolegs; it is located at the terminal part of the caterpillar’s body.
abdominal segment 
Ring forming the caterpillar’s abdomen.
Part of the caterpillar’s body divided into three segments; the walking legs are attached to it.
Adhesive disk located below the abdomen that disappears in the adult stage; the caterpillar usually has five pairs, including the anal claspers.
walking leg 
Articulated member having a motor function; it remains in the adult stage. The caterpillar has three pairs.
Mouthlike part enabling the insect to grasp and grind its food.
simple eye 
Organ of vision formed of a single facet that captures variations in luminosity and allows the caterpillar to orient itself.
Anterior portion of the body of the caterpillar containing the main sensory organs.