anatomy of a honeybee
Muscular organ helping blood to circulate.
Terminal end of the intestine preceding the anus.
venom sac 
Receptacle joined to the venom gland and containing the poisons it produces.
Portion of the digestive tract behind the crop where food is converted.
Canal in the anterior part of the digestive tract; it carries food to the crop.
Large bulge in the digestive tract located behind the esophagus, used to store honey.
salivary gland 
Organ located in the buccal cavity; it secretes saliva and enables especially the digestion of food.
salivary duct 
Duct joined to the salivary gland carrying saliva to the mouth.
Portion of the digestive tract between the mouth and the esophagus.
Main organ of the nervous system; it is located in the head.
dorsal aorta 
Main artery running along the back and connecting to the heart; it allows blood to circulate throughout the body.
nerve cord 
Main element of the nervous system extending throughout the body.
Malpighian tubule 
Fine tube appended to the intestine and helping in the excretion process.