organ [4]
Wind instrument with several keyboards; it produces sound by means of pipes that are fed by a blower.
mechanism of the organ 
All the parts between the manual keys and the pipes; in combination, they cause the organ to function.
Board with holes into which the pipes fit to hold them in an upright position.
Board with holes that correspond to those of the sliders and the wind chest table; the feet of the pipes sit in these holes.
rackboard support 
Base on which the rackboard rests.
Movable wooden board with holes matching those of the upperboard, making it possible to sound a specific row of pipes.
Each of the fixed boards between which the sliders move; their function is to guide the sliders.
Pressurized air chamber located in the lower part of the wind chest.
wind supply 
Passage of air from the bellow to the pipe.
wind trunk 
Conduit that air from the bellow passes through on its way to the bottomboard.
pallet spring 
Spring that brings the pallet back into the closed position.
stop rod 
Part controlled by the stop knob; its function is to move a slider.
stop knob 
Device attached to a stop rod that controls the slider, which allows a row of pipes to sound or remain silent.
Strip of wood that is pulled by a key to control an arm.
roller board and arms 
Group of trackers and rollers connecting the keys of a manual to the corresponding pallets.
Lever pressed by the fingers that, through various mechanisms, lowers a pallet.
Series of keys the organist plays by hand; they control a specific group of pipes.
air sealing gland 
Small sac of flexible skin that makes the bottomboard airtight around the rod controlling the pallet.
Movable piece of wood controlled by a key; when the key is lowered, air enters a passage connecting all the pipes of the same note.
wind chest table 
Piece of wood with holes into which the sliders slide.
Tube in which sound is produced by a vibrating shallot (reed pipe) or by air friction in an aperture (flue pipe).