percussion instruments [1]
Group of instruments that are struck directly with the hands or with sticks, mallets, etc. to produce a sound.
All the percussion instruments played by a single musician, the drummer.
Part that supports the drum; its rubber end prevents the drum from sliding along the floor.
tenor drum 
Drum that makes a muted sound; it is struck with a mallet or a drumstick.
Retractable metal rod attached to the bottom of a bass drum to stabilize it.
Device that controls the mallet used to strike the membrane.
Metal rod whose end (made of felt, cork, skin, etc.) is used to strike the membrane of the bass drum.
Part on which the bass drum and the pedal rest.
tension screw 
Part that adjusts the tension of the membrane.
bass drum 
Large drum set on a vertical frame and struck using a pedal-controlled wooden mallet.
tripod stand 
Solid base with three feet.
snare drum 
Flat drum consisting of two membranes; stretched across the lower membrane are snares that produce a rattling sound.
batter head 
Stretched membrane on a snare drum that is struck with a drumstick or a wire brush.
inferior cymbal 
superior cymbal 
high-hat cymbal 
Instrument consisting of two cymbals; the movable superior cymbal, controlled by a pedal, is used to strike the inferior cymbal.
Instrument consisting of two single-membrane drums struck with a mallet or a drumstick.
Instrument consisting of a metal disk mounted on a stand; it is struck with a mallet, a drumstick or a wire brush.