semiprecious stones
Next to precious stones, these stones are the ones whose beauty and durability make them most suitable for jewelry.
Stone whose color ranges from pale mauve to deepest purple.
lapis lazuli 
Opaque, dark blue stone that is usually speckled; the glittering flecks are proof of its authenticity.
Opaque, light blue stone with tinges of green; it often contains brown, gray or black veins.
Soft opaque stone that is milky-white or quite dark and gives off rainbowlike reflections.
Usually multicolored stone with a rich array of colors from red to pink and green and on to blue.
Stone whose color ranges from whitish-pale blue to a deep blue-aqua color.
Stone with a wide range of colors, including yellowish-orange (the most common), green (the rarest), pink (the most sought-after), blue, brown and colorless.
Stone whose color ranges from green to yellow to dark red.