film and digital storage
Conventional film comes in rolls and sheets; digital cameras store images on memory cards.
compact flash memory card 
Rigid card used as a storage medium to record photos taken with digital cameras.
sheet film 
Semirigid film made to fit specific applications; it is usually loaded into a view camera.
film pack 
Small rigid box containing a certain number of sheet films, which are dispensed successively as the camera operates; they are used in Polaroid® cameras.
roll film 
Band of film with a number of exposures; it is rolled on a spool and used in midsize cameras.
cartridge film 
Small lightproof container that holds a roll of film with a number of exposures, which is loaded into a camera.
film disk 
Round part surrounded by small rectangular films that is inserted in the rigid camera body.
still video film disk 
Disk used as a storage medium to record photographs taken with digital cameras.