present weather [1]
All atmospheric phenomena observed, with the exception of clouds; this includes forms of precipitation as well as optical and electrical phenomena.
Sudden and short-lived increase in wind speed often accompanied by showers and thunderstorms.
hail shower 
Sudden abundant and short-lived precipitation of solid ice, usually in the form of pellets that vary from 0.2 to 2 in in diameter.
tropical storm 
Low-pressure zone accompanied by precipitation and winds between 37 and 74 mph.
Tropical cyclone comprised of a low-pressure zone accompanied by violent precipitation and winds between 74 and 185 mph.
Swirling column of air that extends from the ground to the base of a cumulonimbus; it produces violent winds that can reach 300 mph.
Brief but intense luminous phenomenon caused by an electrical discharge between two clouds or between a cloud and the ground.
heavy thunderstorm 
Storm with winds higher than 57 mph, hail or heavy rain.
Meteorological phenomenon manifested by lightning, thunder and gusts of wind, usually accompanied by rain showers or hail.
sandstorm or dust storm