nuclear reactor
Tightly sealed area where fission of the fuel is carried out in a controlled manner to release heat.
reactor building 
Concrete structure surrounding the reactor vessel; it is a protective barrier against radioactivity.
pressure tube 
Tube that holds the fuel bundles and circulates the coolant at a preset pressure.
reactor vessel 
The core of the nuclear reactor consists of tubular spaces where fission is produced and the coolant and moderator circulate.
spent fuel storage bay 
Water-filled basin where the spent fuel is stored for several years before it can be disposed of safely.
containment building 
Concrete structure surrounding the reactor vessel; it is a protective barrier against radioactivity.
fuel bundle 
Fuel pencils that are grouped in parallel for introduction into the reactor.
fuel pellet 
Small quantity of fuel that consists of powder pressed into a sheathing tube and then inserted into the metal cladding of the pencil.