Foodstuff that female fowl, especially hens, produce by laying; there are many ways of preparing them: e.g., soft-boiled, scrambled and in omelettes.
hen egg 
By far the most commonly eaten, it is cooked as is or added to recipes; used alone, the word "egg" refers to a hen’s egg.
pheasant egg 
Rounder and smaller than a chicken egg, it is not readily available; it is mostly eaten hard-boiled, in salads or aspics.
goose egg 
These relatively large eggs weigh approximately 0.5 lbs; they are rarely found for sale.
duck egg 
Prized in Asia for its taste, stronger than a chicken egg’s; it must be boiled for at least 15 minutes to destroy harmful bacteria.
ostrich egg 
The largest of all eggs, it can weigh up to 5 lbs; one ostrich egg makes an omelette large enough to feed 10 people.
quail egg 
Very popular in China and Japan, it is usually eaten hard-boiled, often as an appetizer; it also has decorative uses.