Terminal part of the upper limb having a tactile and prehensile function, with a thumb opposable to the other fingers.
Outer part of the hand corresponding to the metacarpus and located between the wrist and the proximal phalanges of the fingers.
Hard corneous plate covering and protecting the back of the distal phalanx; it also has a prehensile function and is continually growing.
Whitish section between the root and the body of the nail corresponding to the visible front portion of the matrix.
Joint of the hand (carpus) articulating with the forearm (radius); it mainly enables the hand to flex and extend.
Inner portion of the hand corresponding to the metacarpus and located between the wrist and the proximal phalanges of the fingers.
First digit of the hand formed of two phalanges; short and strong, it moves in such a way that it is opposable to the other digits, thereby enabling grasping.
index finger 
Second digit of the hand used to point, hence its name.
middle finger 
Third and longest digit of the hand.
third finger 
Fourth digit of the hand. Rings are worn on this finger, hence it is also called the ring finger.
little finger 
Last and smallest of the fingers of the hand.