Cereal cultivated for its grain, important in producing food, especially foodstuffs such as flour, bread and semolina.
wheat: spike 
The spike is composed of a main axis bearing seeds without a pedicel; the seeds are clustered at the stem’s apex.
section of a grain of wheat 
A grain of wheat is a small dry fruit whose single grain is fused to its casing; the varieties differ in size, shape and color.
seed coat 
Protective many-layered casing covering the starch and the germ; once separated from the grain, it is known as bran.
The plant’s embryo, located in the lower part of the grain; after germination, it enables a new plant to grow.
Part of the grain where the nutrients required for germ growth are stored; the starch can be ground into flour.
Remnant of the flower’s stigmas; they resemble a tuft of hair atop the grain.