Phenomenon by which the plant, helped by solar energy, obtains its food (glucose) from the air and the soil and releases oxygen into the atmosphere.
solar energy 
Energy derived from sunlight and absorbed through the chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plant leaves.
Main part of the plant, extending from the soil to the terminal bud.
absorption of water and mineral salts 
Water and mineral salts are absorbed through the roots and carried up to the leaves by the stem and its offshoots.
carbon dioxide absorption 
The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere required for photosynthesis is absorbed by the leaf.
Organic food produced through photosynthesis and used by the plant to ensure growth; it is transported throughout the plant by the sap.
release of oxygen 
The process of photosynthesis releases oxygen, a gas essential to life.
Part of the plant where photosynthesis takes place; it also helps oxygenate the ambient air and reduce carbon dioxide.