pulsed ruby laser
Device that produces a thin and very intense colored light beam; its various applications include fiber optics, manufacturing and surgery.
laser beam 
Straight and powerful monochrome light beam that is emitted by the device.
cooling cylinder 
Casing in which water generally circulates to cool the ruby cylinder, which becomes very hot as it produces the beam.
fully reflecting mirror 
Reflects all the light energy toward the partially reflecting mirror. The reflection between the mirrors intensifies the light to form a highly concentrated beam.
reflecting cylinder 
Laser’s metal casing whose inside is polished so that it reflects the light toward the ruby cylinder.
flash tube 
Lamp that acts as an energy source by emitting a flash of white light, which excites the ruby atoms and causes them to emit photons.
partially reflecting mirror 
Its partial transparency allows light beams to escape.
Energy particle that emits the ruby-chromium atoms as they are excited by flashes in the tube.
ruby cylinder 
Ruby bar (crystallized alumina) that contains chromium atoms. It has mirrors at each end, which form the amplification medium to produce the laser beam.