first aid equipment [4]
The instruments and equipment used to transport the sick and the injured and to administer first aid.
Instrument used to inject or remove a liquid substance.
finger flange 
Support for the index and the middle finger while the thumb pushes down on the thumb rest.
thumb rest 
Device pressed or pulled to operate the plunger.
Cylindrical stem that slides up and down the hollow barrel; its movement draws in or expels liquid.
The divisions inscribed on the syringe; they constitute units of volume.
rubber bulb 
Piece of rubber connected to a plunger; the rubber adheres to the sides of the barrel so that a liquid can be removed or injected.
Luer-Lock tip 
Nut-shaped end of the syringe; it fits inside the needle hub.
needle hub 
Piece of plastic at the base of the needle; it fits into the Luer-Lock tip.
The oblique tip of the syringe.
hollow barrel 
Reservoir that creates a vacuum so that a liquid can be removed or injected.
tip protector 
Device that covers the Luer-Lock tip when the needle hub is not inserted into the syringe.
Hollow bevel-tipped metal stem that is covered with a needle hub; it is used for intravenous and subcutaneous injections and sampling.