Department that receives the sick and the injured who require immediate care.
nurses’ station (major emergency) 
Work area for nurses who care for seriously ill patients.
family waiting room 
Waiting area for family and friends.
stretcher area 
Area for patients on cots.
minor surgery room 
Room in which minor procedures such as punctures and sutures are performed.
emergency physician’s office 
Emergency physician: doctor specialized in treating emergency ward patients.
psychiatric observation room 
Room in which a patient is observed for a specific period to determine if a psychiatric referral is necessary.
psychiatric examination room 
Room in which a patient meets with a psychiatrist for a mental health evaluation.
clean utility room 
Room used to store clean, disinfected material that is ready for use by medical personnel.
soiled utility room 
Room in which materials used during examinations and treatment are placed after use.
observation room 
Room in which a patient is monitored for a specific period to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.
isolation room 
Room in which contagious patients or patients vulnerable to infection are treated to avoid the transmission of disease.
Room used to store medication available to medical personnel.
resuscitation room 
Room designed to treat sick or wounded patients whose vital functions have failed.
Vehicle designed to transport the sick and injured to hospital and to administer first aid.
mobile X-ray unit 
Instrument that captures an image of an internal body part by means of X-rays; this mobile unit moves around to various departments.
reception area 
Area where the sick and the injured transported by ambulance are received.
pay phone 
Telephone located in public places; it functions when coins or payment cards are inserted into the phone box.
staff lounge 
Room used by staff as a rest area.
head nurse’s office 
Head nurse: person in charge of the nursing staff.
ophthalmology and ENT (ear, nose and throat) room 
Room for examining and treating the eyes, ears, nose and throat.
plaster room 
Room in which casts and splints for immobilizing fractures are made.
social worker’s office 
Social worker: person who acts as liaison between patients, families and home care services.
gynecological examination room 
Room for gynecological examinations and care.
nurses’ station (ambulatory emergency) 
Work area for nurses who care for patients not requiring hospitalization.
examination and treatment room 
Room in which a physician examines and treats a patient.
beverage dispenser 
Automated machine serving soft drinks; it is activated by the insertion of coins into a slot.
Rooms equipped with toilets and sinks.
waiting room 
Room in which people wait to be seen by a health professional.
triage room 
Room in which a person is seen by a nurse, who performs an initial assessment and establishes an order of priority for treatment.
security guard’s work station 
Security guard: person responsible for security and for maintaining order in the emergency ward.
social worker’s office
Social worker: person who acts as liaison between patients, families and home care services.