Place of Christian worship.
bell tower 
Tower with bays in which the bells are hung.
Long narrow unupholstered seat with or without a back, seating several people.
A raised platform used to address the congregation.
Cup in which the wine is consecrated during celebration of the mass.
Long candle used in various Christian rites such as the mass, baptism and Easter.
high altar 
The main altar in a church located near the back of the choir (apse).
communion rail 
Table or balustrade before which the faithful stand to receive the Eucharist.
Container having a cover with openings; it hangs from a small chain and incense is burned in it.
Stand with an inclined rack used to hold books such as hymnals and the Bible.
holy water font 
Basin used to hold holy water; it is located near the entrance so that the faithful can cross themselves on entering.
Small booth where the priest hears the confession of penitents.
Painting, object or plate hung inside a church to mark a vow or a blessing.
baptismal font 
Basin atop a stand where babies are held during baptisms.
secondary altar 
Side altar that is usually dedicated to the Virgin Mary or a saint.
Area where sacred vases and sacerdotal vestments are kept.
stained glass window 
Translucent decorative work comprised of an assemblage of glass pieces, usually colored, that fills a bay.
sanctuary lamp 
Oil lamp suspended in front of the altar that remains lit at all times.
Ornamental covering for the front and sides of the altar.
Painted or sculpted vertical section placed on or behind the altar.
Cross that depicts the crucified Jesus Christ.
Sculpture on a base that represents a saint.
Small case used to hold the sacred vessel (ciborium) that contains the host.
altar cross 
Wooden or metal cross on a base that is placed in the middle of the high altar during mass.