Equipment consisting of a canopy that is connected to a harness by suspension lines; it is deployed at a given altitude to slow a sky diver’s descent.
sky diver 
Person who jumps with a parachute; this individual might compete in free fall or canopy maneuvers, landing accuracy or other kinds of events.
pilot chute 
Small parachute that deploys the canopy; to open the parachute, the sky diver opens the pilot chute, which pulls the canopy out of the pack.
Part that slows down the deployment of the canopy to absorb the impact of deceleration as it opens up.
brake loop 
Two cables that control the parachute’s direction.
suspension line 
Cables that connect the canopy to the harness.
Structure made of fabric cells that, when filled with air, forms a rectangular surface with the aerodynamic properties of an airplane wing.
Fabric triangle attached to the sides of the canopy; it is used primarily to stabilize the parachute.
Arrangement of straps that connects the sky diver to the suspension lines of the main and reserve canopies; it is stowed in a pack before departure.