parts of a boat
Boat: long and tapered lightweight vessel that is propelled by one to eight rowers; their oars are supported by an outrigger.
sliding seat 
Part on which the rower sits; it slides along rails to increase movement range and efficiency.
coxswain’s seat 
Part on which the coxswain sits facing the rest of the team; the coxswain steers the boat and gives the rowers instructions and the strokes per minute to follow.
rudder cable 
Cable used by the coxswain to direct the rudder; in a coxless boat, the cable may be connected to a rower’s foot stretcher.
Submerged component that pivots on a vertical axle and is used to steer the boat.
bow ball 
Rubber or plastic globe forward on the hull; it is the deciding factor in a photo finish and serves as protection in the event of collision.
Metal adjustable structure that supports the oar within the rower’s reach.
Piece of equipment on which the oar’s collar rests; it keeps the oar in place while allowing it to move more easily.