football player
Football players’ protective equipment varies depending on the player’s role and position on the field.
Garment worn over the foot and up to the knee.
Band of fabric that the quarterback wears around the wrist; it features a small window in which a note card is inserted.
player’s number 
Number identifying the player; special numbers are used to designate pass receivers.
face mask 
Metal cage attached to the helmet; it protects the football player’s face.
Rigid piece of equipment designed to protect the head; it is lined with absorbent materials such as foam and air pockets.
chin strap 
Strap that fastens the helmet to the head.
team shirt 
Flexible garment covering the upper body; it features the team emblem and the player’s name and number.
cleated shoe 
Footwear whose sole contains small spikes to provide good traction.
Light stretchy garment covering the lower body from the waist to the knees; it has pockets for holding protective pieces.
knee pad 
Padded piece of equipment designed to protect the knee; it usually fits into a pocket inside the pants.
thigh pad 
Padded piece of equipment that protects the thighs; it usually fits into a pocket inside the pants.