beach volleyball
Sport with two opposing teams of two players who try to ground the ball in the opposing zone by hitting it over a net with their hands.
beach volleyball 
Ball with the same dimensions as a volleyball; it is heavier and contains less air mainly to counter the wind.
Rectangular surface covered with sand on which a volleyball game is played; the first team to win two sets wins the match.
line judge 
One of four officials who use a red flag to signal a dead ball, service faults, contact with the antennas, etc.
Brightly colored cord secured to the ground to mark off the play area; a rally ends when the ball falls outside the lines of play.
second referee 
Official who signals net faults or faults committed on the attack line and advises the first referee when required.
first referee 
Official responsible for applying the rules; this individual follows the game from a raised platform set up at one end of the net.
Official who holds the scorecard and signals stoppages in play.
players’ chairs 
Rest area for players; a game is played barefoot and players wear a swimsuit or shorts and a shirt.
Granular substance covering the playing surface; in international competitions, it must be at least 16 in deep.
free zone 
Area at least 10 ft wide surrounding the court.
Loosely stitched divider stretched across the middle of the court; players must hit the ball over it.