Hard rectangular surface (30 ft x 60 ft) on which a volleyball game is played; the first team to win three sets wins the game.
attack line 
Line 10 ft from the net; the backs must make attack hits from behind this line.
Loosely stitched divider stretched across the middle of the court; players must hit the ball over it.
center back 
Position in the back zone; this player’s main role is to recover long balls and blocked balls.
right back 
Position on the right side of the back zone; this player’s main role is making digs on short balls.
One of four officials who use a red flag to signal a dead ball, service faults, contact with the antennas, etc.
Line that demarcates the sides of the play area; a rally ends when the ball falls outside the sideline.
Official responsible for applying the rules; this individual follows the game from a raised platform set up at one end of the net.
center attacker 
Position that covers the center of the attack zone; this player’s main role is to counter the opponent’s attacks.
right attacker 
Position to the right of the attack zone; this player’s main role is making attack hits to score points.
Position specialized in receiving serves; this player only plays back while other teammates change positions during the course of a game.
white tape 
Strip of tape with a cable passing through it; it is attached to posts to suspend the net.
Flexible rods at each end of the net; they mark off the net area and the ball must stay inside them to remain in play.
Upright used to stretch the net using white tape; the top of the net is just over 2 m above floor level.
vertical side band 
Vertical strip of white canvas at the ends of the net.
left back 
Position on the left side of the back zone; this player’s main role is making digs on short balls.
attack zone 
Area between the net and the attack line; it is usually occupied by the attackers.
left attacker 
Position to the left of the attack zone; this player’s main role is making attack hits to score points.
Official who signals net faults or faults committed on the attack line and advises the referee when required.
Official who fills in the score sheet, calls stoppages in play and supervises player rotations.
players’ bench 
Area for substitute players and coaches; a team can have 12 players, six of whom are on the court during play.
back zone 
Area between the attack line and the end line; it is usually occupied by the backs.
free zone 
Area at least 6.5 ft wide surrounding the court.
end line 
Line demarcating the ends of the court; the right back takes position behind this line to deliver a serve.
Inflated ball covered with soft leather and with a circumference of about 26 in; it must always be hit and cannot be held or thrown.