Sport of Japanese origin based on throws, holds and blows to vital points of the body; it gave rise to judo.
competition area 
Surface for practicing jujitsu.
One of two officials who register the contestants’ points and penalties, as given by the referee.
One of two athletes who confront each other in a bout; contestants are usually classified into weight categories.
Long wide belt that is tied around the waist to close the jacket; its color indicates the contestant’s level.
Clothing worn when practicing jujitsu; it includes a cotton jacket and pants, which are usually white.
Thick mat with an area of 40 ft2 that is made up of smaller mat squares; jujitsu is practiced on it.
side referee 
Two officials who stand outside the contest area and assist the chief referee; they are involved in the scoring of contestants.
Physicians tend to the contestants in the event of injury; their presence is mandatory and they may end a bout in the event of serious injury.
warning area 
Red band that is 3.2 ft wide; it delimits the contest area.
safety area 
Surface that is 3.2 ft wide and surrounds the warning area; it protects a contestant who is thrown out of the contest area.
contest area 
Surface with an area of 26 ft2 on which the bout takes place.
Official who monitors the duration of the bout.
chief referee 
Official who enforces the rules, directs the bout and awards the points and penalties to the contestants.