Somewhat curved unit that is made mostly of leather; it is set on the horse’s back for the rider to sit on.
Slot in the top part of the stirrup iron through which the stirrup leather passes.
Belt with small holes that is attached to the knee roll; the girth strap is buckled to it.
Lower part of the stirrup iron where the rider’s foot is placed.
One of two metal arms that connect the tread to the eye.
stirrup leather 
Adjustable strap that hangs from the saddle to support the stirrup iron.
Piece of leather that covers the knee roll and the tabs; the rider’s thighs press against it.
Padding for the saddle that is designed to dampen impact and protect the horse’s back.
Back part of the saddle that is rounded slightly upward to support the lower back.
Front part of the saddle that is slightly rounded; the rider can hold onto it with the hand.
Curved part under the pommel that is traditionally made of wood; it forms the front part of the saddle’s framework.
Slightly concave part of the saddle on which the rider sits.
Piece of leather that is attached to the flap; it covers the stirrup leather buckles.
knee roll 
Piece of leather that forms the side of the saddle; it mainly protects the horse from the girth strap buckles.
Strap around the horse’s belly that keeps the saddle on its back.
girth strap 
Small belt that is attached to the end of the girth; it has a buckle for attaching it to the tab to tighten it.