chess [1]
Game where two players move pieces around a board in order to "checkmate" the opponent (i.e., attack the king in such a manner that no escape is possible).
Board divided into 64 black and white squares; the corner square on each player’s left must be black.
chess notation 
Means of using letters and numbers to identify the chessboard squares; it is used to situate pieces, transcribe games, follow moves, etc.
black square 
Dark-colored square; when the game begins, the black queen is on a square of her own color.
Pieces belonging to one of the two players; White starts the game.
white square 
Light-colored square; when the game begins, the white queen is on a square of her own color.
Pieces belonging to one of the two players.
queen’s side 
Each of the pieces in columns a to d on the board.
king’s side 
Each of the pieces in columns e to h on the board.