Formula 1™ car
Single-seater for racing on a closed circuit that can reach speeds of 225 mph; Formula 1™ is very popular in Europe.
safety belt 
Safety device fitted with sliding straps, keeping the driver in the seat in the event of an accident.
Pitot tube 
Measuring device for calculating the actual speed of the car by taking into account the influence of the wind.
steering wheel 
Unit enabling the driver to steer the turning wheels; a veritable dashboard, it is equipped with several controls such as the clutch and gear shifter.
side fairings 
Malleable structure that absorbs the impact from a collision; the side fairings house especially radiators and electronic components.
roll structure 
Structure composed of metal loops to protect the driver if the car rolls over.
Exposure apparatus for following a driver’s vehicle during an event; each car is equipped with at least one camera.
Part of the body where the driver sits that houses the equipment necessary for driving the car.
Part using air pressure to increase the load on the rear and front wheels to improve the tires’ grip on the track.
radio antenna 
Device that emits and receives radio waves for communications between the driver and the team during the event.
wet-weather tire 
Molded tire used on a wet track to evacuate a large quantity of water. At 185 mph, it evacuates more than 6.5 gallons of water per second.
dry-weather tire 
Grooved tire providing a good grip on a dry track.