shooting range
Outdoor rectangular area that is 110 m long and set up for archery; it is surrounded by an exclusion zone for the protection of the spectators.
director of shooting 
Official whose responsibilities include monitoring the competition’s progress, settling any disputes that may arise and monitoring the shooting time with sound signals.
70 m line 
Distance from the target whose diameter is 122 cm (48 in) in the final round of a mixed competition.
90 m line 
Distance from the target whose diameter is 122 cm (48 in) in the first round of a men’s competition.
Officials who are in charge of registering the points obtained by the archers.
shooting line 
Line at which the archer stands to shoot with one foot placed on each side of it.
Optical instrument whose use is authorized for making out the precise spots where the arrows hit the target.
30 m line 
Distance from the target whose diameter is 80 cm (31 in) in the first round of a mixed competition.
50 m line 
Distance from the target whose diameter is 80 cm (31 in) in the first round of a mixed competition.
Official who checks various elements, such as the shooting distances, the size of the targets, equipment compliance and the archer’s position, and ensures that the time is respected.
signal lights 
Lamps accompanied by sounds that mark the progress of the competition (such as the positioning of the archers on the shooting line and the end of the shoot).
60 m line 
Distance from the target whose diameter is 122 cm (48 in) in the first round of a women’s competition.
Surface of varying diameter at which the archer shoots; it is divided into concentric circles corresponding to point zones.
Circle 4.8 in in diameter in the middle of the target; it is 4.3 ft from the ground and worth 10 points. The value of the other circles decreases toward the edge of the target.