Enclosed space whose surfaces make up the playing area; it is 40 ft long, 20 ft wide and 20 ft high.
Official responsible for applying the rules; the referee ensures that the match runs smoothly and rules on contentious points.
line judge 
The two officials who, at the request of the referee or a player, confirm or reverse the referee’s decision.
Glass-covered opening used to access the racquetball court.
Zone between the short line and the back wall.
Horizontal surface that is usually made of wooden slats; the ball may only bounce once on it.
receiving line 
Line that the receiver stands behind; the receiver may not step over the receiving line until the serve crosses it.
center court 
Part of the court behind the short line and between the sidewalls; it is a strategic zone that players attempt to control.
service line 
Line marking the front of the service zone.
service zone 
Zone where a player stands to serve; the ball must bounce once in this zone before it is served.
service box 
In doubles play, the server’s partner must stay inside this area until the ball crosses the short line.
service box line 
Line drawn 18 in from the sidewall that marks the service box at both ends of the service zone.
short line 
Line dividing the court in half; the serve must cross the short line after bouncing off the front wall.
Area between the front wall and the short line.
back wall 
Wall marking the back of the court behind the players.
Wall marking the sides of the court.
front wall 
Wall facing the players; the service is made onto it.
Horizontal surface making up the upper part of the court; the ceiling is part of the playing area.