shooting range
Area designed for shooting competitions; the athlete has a limited number of cartridges to hit a specific number of targets placed side by side.
Circular object that forms the target in the shooting competition; the targets are black but are covered with a white disk when hit by a projectile.
Athlete who practices the biathlon; during the skiing portion, the biathlete shoulders the rifle using a harness.
Person who ensures that the rules are observed and the shooting phase runs smoothly.
nonslip mat 
Mat placed in front of each lane to prevent the skis from sliding during the shot.
lane number 
Number that identifies a shooting lane; in certain events (relay, mass start), the skier must use the lane corresponding to the bib number.
shooting place 
Area where the biathlete sets up to shoot; each missed target entails a penalty (time added or an extra loop on skis).
wind flag 
Flag that indicates wind direction and speed, elements that are essential to shooting accuracy.