course: moguls competition
Event that is held on a steep straight course with bumps that the skier uses to turn; two jumps are integrated into the run.
judges’ stand 
Stand reserved for the judges who award marks based on three criteria: turn quality, jump quality and speed.
stopping area 
Wide, relatively flat area where the skier can stop safely.
safety fence 
Barrier bordering the course that stops the skier in the event of a fall.
finish line 
Line marking the end of a moguls run; an electronic timekeeping system calculates the skiers’ finish times.
control gate 
Space between the two gate poles through which the skier must pass; a moguls course usually has nine control gates.
Each of the mounds that dot the course; to obtain a high score, the skier must demonstrate control, flexibility and speed over the moguls.
Accumulations of snow designed to allow the skier to execute a jump; only straight jumps are allowed in a moguls competition.