Aircraft whose lift agent is a rotor on a vertical axle.
Antenna that receives and transmits radio signals to communicate with the control tower or another aircraft.
control stick 
Lever for changing the rotor’s tilt; it is used to steer the helicopter.
landing window 
Window by the pilot’s feet for seeing the ground when landing.
landing light 
Spotlight that is aimed at the ground for landing at night.
Tube on which the helicopter lands and rests.
Compartment where the passengers ride.
boarding step 
Step attached to the fuselage for boarding the helicopter.
fuel tank 
Reservoir for the helicopter’s fuel.
baggage compartment 
Compartment for storing luggage.
exhaust pipe 
Opening through which the exhaust gases are evacuated.
position light 
Light visible from afar that signals the helicopter’s presence.
tail skid 
Support attached to the tail end of the boom that protects it and the anti-torque tail rotor in the event of a landing with the nose up.
flight deck 
Compartment that contains navigation equipment; the pilot operates the helicopter from here.
rotor head 
Rotating mechanism that transmits the required power and angle.
rotor blade 
Long streamlined part of the main rotor that, depending on its angle, lifts and propels the helicopter.
Part of the hub to which the blades are attached.
rotor hub 
Center part of the rotor head that connects the driveshaft to the blades.
drive shaft 
Part driven by the engine that transmits its rotational movement to the hub.
tail boom 
Long part of the helicopter’s frame that contains a propeller shaft and supports the rear rotor, fin and stabilizers.
horizontal stabilizer 
Horizontal wing mounted on the tail boom to stabilize the helicopter’s horizontal movement.
Fixed vertical part mounted on the tail boom to keep the helicopter flying straight.
anti-torque tail rotor 
Rotor on a horizontal axle that prevents the helicopter from spinning due to the effect of the main rotor.
air inlet 
Opening through which air enters to supply the helicopter’s engine.