A sailboat’s sails that are rigged on the bowsprit, the foremast, the main masts, the jiggermast and between these masts.
main sail 
Lowest square sail on the mainmast.
main lower topsail 
Square sail above the main sail.
Lowest square sail on the foremast.
lower fore topsail 
Square sail above the foresail.
inner jib 
Very heavy triangular staysail that lies farthest aft on the bowsprit.
middle jib 
Triangular staysail that lies between the outer jib and the inner jib.
outer jib 
Triangular staysail that lies between the flying jib and the middle jib.
flying jib 
Very light triangular staysail that is foremost on the bowsprit.
upper fore topsail 
Square sail between the lower fore topgallant sail and the lower fore topsail.
lower fore topgallant sail 
Square sail between the upper fore topgallant sail and the upper fore topsail.
upper fore topgallant sail 
Square sail below the fore royal sail.
fore royal sail 
Small square sail at the top of the foremast above the fore topgallant sail.
main upper topsail 
Square sail between the main lower topgallant sail and the main lower topsail.
main lower topgallant sail 
Square sail between the main upper topgallant sail and the main upper topsail.
main upper topgallant sail 
Square sail under the main royal sail.
main royal sail 
Small square sail above the topgallant sail at the top of the mainmast.
Rope for hoisting a sail or a yard.
Rope extending from the lower corner of a sail for trimming it with respect to the wind direction.
mizzen sail 
The lowest square sail supported by the mizzenmast.
Gaff sail for the mizzenmast.
gaff topsail 
Sail above a gaff sail and between the gaff and the top of the mast.
jigger topmast staysail 
Triangular sail below the jigger topgallant staysail.
jigger topgallant staysail 
Highest triangular sail among the sails rigged between the mizzenmast and the jiggermast.
mizzen royal brace 
Rope that causes the yard supporting the royal sail to pivot around the mizzenmast.
mizzen topmast staysail 
Triangular sail on the stay supporting the aft fore-topmast.
reef point 
One of several short ropes attached along the reef band on both sides of the sail for tying up the reefed sail.
reef band 
Reinforced horizontal strip of canvas; a part of the sail can be gathered and tied to it to reduce the sail’s wind surface.