life-saving equipment [2]
Instruments and equipment for signaling a boat’s presence and for saving people from drowning.
life buoy 
Ring made of buoyant material that is thrown to anyone who has fallen overboard to help them float.
retro-reflective tape 
Tape that reflects light, making it easier to find a person in the water.
Nylon rope that can be caught with the boat hook to hoist a person out of the water.
Rigid buoyant circle that a person in the water slips under the arms.
life jacket 
Buoyant vest filled with air or plastic foam that is used to keep a person afloat.
leg strap 
Adjustable nylon belt that goes between the legs to prevent the life jacket from riding up.
Nylon strap that adjusts to the wearer’s size to keep the life jacket in place.
Fastener with two elements that hook together and unfasten when pressed.
boat hook 
Usually telescopic pole with a tip and a hook; it is used to maneuver a boat alongside quays, to hook an object and to fathom the bottom.
Curved end for hooking a rope or fishing an object out of the water.