flatbed semitrailer
Semitrailer composed of a platform around which detachable side panels can be placed.
Malleable element partially absorbing shocks, thus protecting the body from damage.
stake pocket 
Support placed on the side edges of the deck, holding in place a belt hook or a post for attaching the side panels.
landing gear crank 
Bent lever activating the elevating cylinder to deploy the landing gear.
marker light 
Yellow light in front and red in the rear demarcating the dimensions of the vehicle.
mud flap 
Piece of rubber or plastic attached behind the rear wheels to repel projectiles.
turn signal 
Device emitting an intermittent light, signaling a change of the vehicle’s direction or a temporary hazard to other vehicles.
Lamp turning on automatically when the front lights are lit, making the vehicle visible for up to 150 meters.
Floor of the semitrailer serving as the loading plane for the cargo.
Panel fixed to the front of the deck to prevent cargo from moving forward.
rub rail 
Bar attached to the stake pockets to protect them from side impact.