All the structures belonging to an agricultural concern and used as dwellings or in its operation.
vegetable garden 
Land where edible plants are grown to feed the household.
hen house 
Building where poultry are housed; a distinction is often made between laying units and fattening units.
Open area around which the farm buildings are situated.
Shelter constructed to house a bee colony that produces honey and pollinates fruit trees.
fruit tree 
Tree that bears edible fruit, usually intended for human consumption.
sheep shelter 
Building where ovines (rams and ewes) are housed; these sheep are raised mainly for their meat and wool, and sometimes for their milk.
Structure with translucent walls where vegetables are grown under controlled conditions that promote their growth.
Land planted with fruit trees.
Fenced-in space where animals can move about.
Building used to house pigs, usually raised to be slaughtered.
bunker silo 
Long flat structure used to store silage; filling it requires no specialized equipment.
tower silo 
Cylindrical structure used to store silage; it is always filled from the top, using a specially constructed apparatus.
Building where bovines are housed; the animals are often separated by age or type (raised for meat or for milk).
Room where milk is stored and refrigerated before it is collected; it is also the place where milk is converted into butter and other by-products.
Ground covered in grass, which the farmer mows to produce fodder (hay, alfalfa, etc.) for cattle.
fodder corn 
Variety of corn used as cattle feed.
House where the farmer and the farmer’s family live.
ornamental tree 
Tree planted for decorative purposes.
machinery shed 
Building usually meant to house farm machinery.
Building used mainly to store harvested crops, straw and hay.
Part of the barn, often the equivalent of an attic, where hay is stored to protect it from bad weather.
Wooden or metal barrier used to delimit a section of land so it can be used for a particular purpose.
permanent pasture 
Fenced-in grassy tract of land set aside for cattle to graze on.
Arable land temporarily left unsown to allow the soil to replenish its reserves.