When the batter is in position, the pitcher throws the ball toward home plate; the batter judges the pitch and decides whether or not to try to hit it.
Position behind home plate; this player catches the ball thrown by the pitcher and indicates the type of pitch to throw to retire the batter.
home-plate umpire 
Official who calls balls and strikes, and signals when the batter has struck out (three strikes) or when a runner is retired at home plate.
Player who takes position to hit the ball; to score a point, the batter must touch three successive bases and then home plate.
home plate 
Rubber plate that the batter stands beside to face the pitcher; it marks the pitcher’s strike zone and the umpire calls balls and strikes in relation to it.
pitcher’s mound 
Small mound of earth from which the pitcher throws the ball toward the batter; it is 10 inches higher than home plate.
pitcher’s plate 
Band of rubber attached to the ground; the pitcher stands on it to throw a pitch.
Position opposite home plate; this player throws the ball to the opposing batter, using various pitches to try to prevent the batter from obtaining a hit.