player positions
The team playing the field has nine players who try to prevent the opposing team from reaching bases and scoring points.
Position opposite home plate; this player throws the ball to the opposing batter, using various pitches to try to prevent the batter from obtaining a hit.
Position behind home plate; this player catches the ball thrown by the pitcher and indicates the type of pitch to throw to retire the batter.
first baseman 
Position near first base that takes part in most defensive plays; the batter is retired if the first baseman, ball in hand, touches the base before the batter.
third baseman 
Position near third base; this player needs a powerful arm to throw the ball directly to first base when the situation calls for it.
right fielder 
Position that covers right field; if a fielder catches the ball before it touches the ground, the batter is retired.
second baseman 
Position near second base. This player, like all other infielders, retires an opponent by tagging the runner, ball in hand, before the runner reaches base.
center fielder 
Position in center field; covering the greatest area, this player anticipates where the ball will be hit and coordinates the positions of the outfielders.
left fielder 
Position that covers left field; if a fielder catches the ball before it touches the ground, the batter is retired.
Position between second and third base; this player’s role is to catch a ball hit in that direction and relay it to a teammate, depending on the game situation.