rider and horse
The players ride horses whose manes are shaved and tails plaited to avoid catching; the players also change horses at every chukker (period).
Somewhat curved unit that is made mostly of leather; it is set on the horse’s back for the rider to sit on.
shin boot 
Equipment placed around the cannon of the horse’s leg to protect it from injury.
knee pad 
Hard leather piece of equipment that protects the rider’s knee.
Strap that is connected to the noseband to prevent the horse from throwing its head back; this prevents blows to its head during abrupt stops.
Device that is inserted in the horse’s mouth; the rider steers the horse using the reins, which in turn move the bit in the horse’s mouth.
Part of the bridle that runs around the head above the nostrils; it prevents the horse from opening its mouth and losing the bit.
Rigid piece of equipment that protects the rider’s head; it usually has a protective grille.
polo pony 
Small horse that is bred and schooled for polo; calm and docile, it can start, stop and change directions very quickly.
Long part of the mallet that is usually made of bamboo and has a fixed head at the end; it can be rigid or flexible, depending on the player’s preference.
Usually cigar-shaped piece of hardwood; the player strikes the ball with it.
Part consisting of a shaft and a head that is used by the player to hit the ball along the ground; it must be held in the right hand.
bell boot 
Usually rubber item of equipment that covers the horse’s hoof to prevent injury.
White sphere of wood or plastic with a diameter of 3 to 3.5 in.